Tennessee Department of State - Division of Publications
Wildlife Proclamations

Note: This database includes proclamations dating back to 6/30/2005. For prior proclamations, go to the Tennessee Administrative Register Archive.

Wildlife Proclamations contain seasons, creel, size and bag limits, and areas open to hunting and/or fishing. They also establish wildlife and/or public hunting areas and declare the manner and means of taking. Since Wildlife Proclamations are published in their entirety in the T.A.R., they are not published in the official compilation-Rules and Regulations of the State of Tennessee.

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Proclamation ID Title Effective Date
17-08 Amendment to Proclamation 16-43 Sport Fishing 6/30/2017
14-13 Amendment to Proclamation 14-05: Wildlife Management Areas: Hunting Seasons, Limits and Miscellaneous Regulations 10/5/2014
11-25 Amendment to Proclamation 11-09 Wildlife Management Areas Hunting Seasons, Limits and Miscellaneous Regulations 11/16/2011
10-09 Amendment to Proclamation 10-04 Importation of Cervid Carcasses and Parts 9/22/2010
10-08 Amendment to Proclamation 10-03 Statewide Big Game Hunting Seasons and Bag Limit (Exclusive of Wildlife Management Areas and Refuges) 8/1/2010
09-12 Amendment to Proclamation 08-17 Sport Fishing 6/26/2009
09-02 Amendment To Proclamation 08-01 Statewide Proclamation On The Commercial Taking Of Fish And Turtles 4/19/2009
07-01 Amendment To Proclamation 06-23 Sport Fishing 6/29/2007
07-03 Amendment To Proclamation 06-22 Statewide Proclamation On The Commercial Taking Of Fish And Turtles 6/29/2007
05-03 Amending Proclamation 75-12 Johnson Bottoms, Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park, and Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant Wildlife Management Areas 6/30/2005
23-05 Amending Proclamation 08-02 North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area 6/4/2023
14-09 Amending Proclamation 08-02 North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area 10/5/2014
06-18 Amending Proclamation 06-14 Hunting Seasons, Limits and Miscellaneous Regulations 8/11/2006
06-19 Amending Proclamation 06-13 Statewide Big Game Hunting Seasons and Bag Limit (Exclusive of Wildlife Management Areas and Refuges) 8/23/2006
06-24 Amending Proclamation 06-10 Regulating Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits 1/19/2007
06-17 Amending Proclamation 06-10 Regulating Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits 8/11/2006
11-17 AMENDING PROCLAMATION 05-01 Proclaiming Bogota Wildlife Management Area 7/23/2011
05-25 Amending Importation of Cervid Carcasses and Parts Proclamation 11/17/2005
07-18 Adding Lands to the Royal Blue Wildlife Management Area 11/30/2007
09-20 09-20 LIVE BAIT 12/5/2009
15-08 Proclaiming Hart?s Mill Wildlife Management Area 6/26/2015

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